national use your common sense day
Every year on September 14th, people across the United States observe National Use Your Common Sense Day. This day serves as a reminder for individuals to rely on their own judgement and reasoning to make decisions. With the constant influx of information and opinions in today’s society, it is important to take a step back and use our common sense to navigate through life. In this article, we will delve into the origins of this holiday, the importance of common sense, and how we can apply it in our daily lives.
The concept of common sense dates back to ancient Greek philosophy. Aristotle, one of the most influential philosophers of all time, defined common sense as “the ability to perceive and understand the world in a practical and realistic manner.” In other words, it is the ability to make sound and rational decisions based on our own experiences and observations. However, it was not until the 18th century that the term “common sense” gained popularity, thanks to the works of Scottish philosopher Thomas Reid. He believed that common sense is an innate ability that every human possesses, and it is what sets us apart from animals.
National Use Your Common Sense Day was first proposed by Linda Eaton Hall-Fulcher, a motivational speaker and author. She was inspired to create this holiday after witnessing people making irrational decisions and relying on others for guidance. She wanted to remind people that they have the power to think for themselves and use their own judgement. In an interview, Hall-Fulcher stated, “I believe we all have common sense, but sometimes we are so distracted by the noise and chaos around us that we forget to use it.” Thus, National Use Your Common Sense Day was established to encourage individuals to trust their own instincts and make informed decisions.
In today’s fast-paced world, common sense seems to have taken a backseat. With the rise of social media and the 24-hour news cycle, we are bombarded with information and opinions from various sources. This can make it challenging to differentiate between what is true and what is not. As a result, we tend to rely on others to tell us what to think and what to do. However, this blind following can lead to disastrous consequences. It is crucial to remember that common sense is not just about making decisions; it is about making the right decisions.
One of the key reasons why common sense is important is that it helps us think critically. It allows us to analyze information, question it, and come to our own conclusions. In today’s digital age, where misinformation spreads like wildfire, having the ability to think critically is crucial. It enables us to sift through the noise and make informed decisions based on facts, rather than blindly accepting what is presented to us. As American philosopher and educator John Dewey once said, “The path of least resistance and least trouble is a mental rut already made. It requires troublesome work to undertake the alternation of old beliefs.”
Another aspect of common sense is problem-solving. When faced with a challenge or dilemma, common sense helps us approach it in a practical and logical manner. It enables us to break down complex problems into simpler ones, making it easier to find solutions. This is because common sense is closely linked to our past experiences and knowledge. It allows us to draw upon our past successes and failures to tackle present-day problems. As a result, using our common sense can save us time, money, and resources.
In addition to critical thinking and problem-solving, common sense also plays a significant role in decision-making. We are faced with countless decisions every day, ranging from what to eat for breakfast to major life choices. Common sense acts as a guide, helping us make decisions that align with our values and goals. It also enables us to consider the consequences of our actions before making a choice. As American author and motivational speaker Brian Tracy once said, “Using common sense is the key to making good decisions and leading a happy, successful life.”
Furthermore, common sense helps us navigate through social situations. It allows us to read people’s body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions to understand their emotions and intentions. This is especially important in today’s diverse society, where we interact with people from different backgrounds and cultures. Having a sense of common sense can help us avoid awkward or uncomfortable situations and maintain healthy relationships.
On the other hand, the lack of common sense can lead to serious consequences. In some cases, it can even be life-threatening. For instance, not using common sense while driving can result in accidents. Not using common sense while handling dangerous equipment or substances can lead to injuries. Not using common sense while interacting with strangers can put us in harm’s way. Therefore, it is crucial to practice common sense in all aspects of our lives.
Now that we understand the importance of common sense let us explore how we can use it in our daily lives. The first step is to be aware of our surroundings and observe what is happening around us. This allows us to gather information and make informed decisions. The next step is to question everything. Instead of blindly accepting information, we should ask ourselves, “Does this make sense?” or “Is this logical?” This will help us weed out misinformation and make better decisions.
Another way to use our common sense is to rely on our gut instinct. Our intuition is a powerful tool that can guide us in the right direction. It is often said that if something does not feel right, it probably isn’t. Therefore, it is essential to listen to our inner voice and trust our instincts. However, it is important to note that using common sense does not mean disregarding the opinions of others. It simply means taking into consideration our own thoughts and feelings before making a decision.
It is also important to be open-minded and consider different perspectives. Just because we believe something to be true does not mean it is the only truth. Keeping an open mind allows us to expand our knowledge, learn from others, and make more informed decisions. It also prevents us from being close-minded and stubborn, which can hinder our growth and development.
Moreover, it is essential to stay informed and educate ourselves about different topics. In today’s technology-driven world, knowledge is just a click away. We should take advantage of this and stay up-to-date with current events, scientific discoveries, and other relevant information. This will not only help us make informed decisions but also enable us to have meaningful conversations with others.
In conclusion, National Use Your Common Sense Day serves as a reminder for us to take a step back and rely on our own judgement and reasoning. Common sense is a powerful tool that helps us think critically, problem-solve, make informed decisions, and navigate through social situations. It is crucial to practice common sense in all aspects of our lives to avoid unnecessary consequences. So, on this day, let us pledge to use our common sense and make the world a better place. As American businessman and author Robert Kiyosaki once said, “Common sense is in short supply these days. If you find it, cherish it.”
when they don’t respond to your text
We live in a digital age where communication has become easier and faster than ever before. With the click of a button, we can send a message to someone on the other side of the world and expect a response within seconds. However, despite the convenience of modern technology, there are still times when we don’t receive a response to our texts. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or significant other, not getting a response can be frustrating and even hurtful. In this article, we will explore the reasons why people may not respond to your texts and how you can handle the situation.
1. They are busy
The most common reason why someone may not respond to your text is that they are simply busy. It’s important to remember that everyone has their own priorities and responsibilities, and they may not have the time to respond to your message right away. It could be that they are at work, in a meeting, or running errands. In these cases, it’s best to give them the benefit of the doubt and be patient. They will likely respond when they have a moment to spare.
2. They forgot
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to forget things, including responding to a text. Your message may have gotten lost in the sea of notifications on their phone, or they may have read it and intended to respond but got sidetracked. If this is the case, a gentle reminder is all it takes. Send a follow-up message or give them a call to see if they received your text. They will appreciate the reminder and respond accordingly.
3. They are avoiding the conversation
It’s not uncommon for people to avoid difficult or uncomfortable conversations, and sometimes, not responding to a text may be a way of avoiding it. Perhaps you’ve had a disagreement or an argument, and they are not ready to address it yet. In these situations, it’s important to give them space and not pressure them to respond. Pushing for a response when they are not ready may only make the situation worse.

4. They are not interested
Unfortunately, not getting a response to your text could also mean that the person is not interested in talking to you. It’s a hard truth to accept, but it’s important to recognize when someone is not reciprocating your efforts to communicate. It could be that they are no longer interested in the friendship or relationship, or they simply don’t have the same level of interest in you. In these cases, it’s best to move on and focus your energy on people who do value your communication.
5. They are dealing with personal issues
Life can throw unexpected challenges at us, and sometimes, people may not respond to your texts because they are going through a tough time. They could be dealing with personal issues, such as a family emergency, illness, or mental health struggles. In these situations, it’s important to be understanding and give them the space they need. Let them know that you are there for them if they need to talk, but don’t pressure them to respond if they are not ready.
6. They have a different communication style
We all have different ways of communicating, and some people may not be as responsive to texts as others. They may prefer face-to-face conversations or phone calls over texting. It’s important to respect their communication style and not take it personally if they don’t respond to your texts. If you feel like your communication styles are not aligned, it’s best to have a conversation about it and find a way to compromise.
7. They are ghosting you
Ghosting is a term used to describe when someone suddenly stops responding to your messages and disappears from your life without any explanation. It’s a hurtful and frustrating experience, and unfortunately, it’s becoming more common in today’s dating culture. If someone is consistently not responding to your texts and you suspect they may be ghosting you, it’s best to confront them about it and move on if they don’t give you a clear answer.
8. They are not a big texter
Believe it or not, not everyone enjoys texting. Some people may find it impersonal or tedious, and they may not respond to your texts as frequently as you would like. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t want to talk to you; they may just prefer other forms of communication. If this is the case, it’s important to find a way to compromise and find a communication method that works for both of you.
9. They are waiting for the right time to respond
Sometimes, people may not respond to your texts right away because they want to give you a thoughtful response. They may be contemplating their answer or waiting for the right time to respond. This is especially true for important or sensitive conversations. In these cases, it’s best to be patient and not pressure them to respond immediately.
10. They simply don’t know how to respond
In some cases, people may not respond to your texts because they don’t know how to. They may not have the words to express what they want to say, or they may be afraid of saying the wrong thing. In these situations, it’s important to be patient and understanding. Let them know that they can take their time to respond and that you are there to listen whenever they are ready.

In conclusion, not getting a response to your texts can be frustrating, but it’s important to remember that there could be a variety of reasons behind it. The best approach is to be patient and understanding, and if necessary, have a conversation about it to find out the reason why. Communication is a two-way street, and it’s important to respect each other’s boundaries and preferences. If someone consistently doesn’t respond to your texts, it may be a sign that they are not as invested in the relationship as you are, and it may be time to reassess the dynamic. Remember, there are plenty of other people who will appreciate your efforts to communicate, and it’s important to surround yourself with those who value and reciprocate your communication.